Pet Taxi

Pet Taxi

A pick-up and drop-off service for your beloved pets.

At Perth Pet Club, we know how hard it can be to juggle everything that needs to be done before you go away on your holiday. Last minute visas, hunting around for passports and trying to get the kids packed up and ready to go.

That’s why Perth Pet Club offers a pet pick up and drop off service for your beloved pet when you go away.

It can be really stressful driving from home to drop off your pet and then have to go back home to pick up your luggage and the family so you can make it to the airport on time. With
our pet taxi service, we take that stress away by picking up your pet directly from your home, so you only need to make one trip.

Pet Pick up and Drop off

When booking your pet boarding with us, let us know that you’d like to book a pet taxi. Our taxi can pick up your pet between 11:30am and 3:00pm, just let us know your preferred date and time. Our pet taxi service will collect your pet from your house and bring them directly to our boarding facility.

When you arrive home, we can also arrange for our taxi service to drop off your pet at a suitable and safe time.

Perth Pet Club’s pick up and drop off service, means that those last minute things you need to organise won’t stop you from getting to the airport on time, because we’ll make sure your
beloved pooch gets to their holiday destination, safely and on-time.

Pet Taxi Locations Serviced

Perth Pet Club Pet Taxi services all metro areas of Perth, WA. From Joondalup to Mandurah, Perth Pet Club will organise to pick up your pet directly from your home and bring them here to our pet boarding facilities for their own vacation.

Perth Pet Club is located in beautiful Banjup. We’re here so we have plenty of space for your animals to move around and play and get the most out of their stay with us.

Perth Pet Club pet taxi service isn’t just for holidaymakers. If you have an emergency and are unable to be home, we can organise to pick up your pet from your home and board your pet until you’re able to get back to them.

Call us today to book your pet taxi service.

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